Here's the result of my one day project, the tree frog. I don't know how well this would animate and suspect I would need more edge loops around the back legs, but I can't find a suitable rig to test it. I'm quite happy with this but it's slightly too high poly for what I was aiming for. Next week I'm going to attempt some very low polygon modeling.
Some sketches in pencil of various bits of my person! These two took 30 minutes each. I hope to model a hand using Max and Zbrush so I hope similar sketches this week will help directly inform my 3D work.
Now for some sketches of friends, these took 20 minutes each.
For 3D this week, I textured the horse using my normal map as reference.
And then I rigged it using CAT in 3DS Max. I still can't get those feet right, they were a nightmare to rig. I need to work further on rigging and watch more tutorials as there are a lot of problems with stretching and popping:
Okay so for next week,
1. Model and unwrap, perhaps texture a human hand.
2. Continue with sketches
3. Photoshop Painting
4. Work 9-5 Monday to Friday... don't expect a submission in time for Thursday next week, maybe around Sunday!
Thanks for reading as always, criticism is greatly appreciated :)